Our tools and pages for Teachers and Students alike.
- Word Search MakerCreate and print your own custom word search for your class
- Crossword Puzzle MakerCreate your own crossword puzzle!
- Anagram SolverFind all possible words you can make from any given letters.
- Words to MinutesHow long is your lecture?!
- Words DatabaseFind every word in the dictionary. Use different splits!
- Rhyming DictionaryFind words that rhyme with ___
- Random Word GeneratorGenerate words at random. Choose from parts of speech, etc.
- Random Letter GeneratorRandomly generate a letter(s)
- Random Sentence GeneratorCan't write a novel with these!
- Create Cursive TextGenerate cursive text and save an image file.
- Copy & Paste SymbolsGenerate hard to find symbols to use as text.
Happenings at the Teacher's Nook
We are very excited to be building out a large math worksheet generator! The custom generator is live, and we are working on creating pre-filled worksheets for every grade level.